Friday, 2 January 2015

Critical Investigation Task #5

1) WOMEN: Madonna: Siren or Symbol? ( Maria Riley, OP is coordinator of the Women's Project, Center of Concern, Washington, D.C.
  • "It's all about flirting."
  • ''It is all so simple, so innocent, so deliciously wicked, so ambiguous. Just like flirting.''
These quotes can fit into the paragraph 3 about Madonna.

2) WOMEN: Using Female Bodies For Sales and Profit ( Laurien Alexandre is vice chancellor for university academic affairs for the Antioch University System. A former journalism and media teacher, she lives in Los Angeles.
  • ''Dismembered bodies — thighs, breasts, anus lie strewn across the television screen… exotic women drape themselves over leopard-skin rugs seductively beckoning unknown men...''
  • ''As the pictures flash by and the narration by feminist scholar Jean Kilbourne proceeds, a new view of advertising emerges, that of a multi-billion dollar transnational business which makes its profits off the backs of women.''
  • ''One cringes with recognition at the visually-substantiated premise that advertising systematically, if not always consciously, uses, abuses and betrays women in its efforts to sell products, lifestyles and dominant values.''
  • ''The process of becoming adornments for cars, liquor and men turns women into flawless, wrinkleless, odorless and ageless sex objects fragmented into body pans on display.'' 
  • ''As women grow older, that "status" is then taken away and they are shown as sexless housewives pathologically obsessed with dirty floors and spotted glasses. The options are few. In the process of living, women are made to feel self-conscious and guilty for being real.''
These interesting quotes will help me to get the feminist view of the way females portray themselves in the media across. They would fit into issues and debates in my essay.

3) Miley Cyrus: exploited or empowered? ( by Barbara Ellen
  • ''Did Cyrus see Britney commenting wistfully about how she wished her videos could go back to being about great dancing and not just sex? Has it occurred to Cyrus that there are some traps you set yourself?''
This quote is interesting as it compares Miley to Britney and the fact that the author believes that Miley has actually got herself into something she may not have wanted. This quote could link into the quotes in paragraph 1 about Miley Cyrus.

4) Miley Cyrus makes date rape joke onstage at GAY ( by Ben Beaumont-Thomas
  • "You know, everyone's a little bit gay," she told the crowd. "It's the truth. Everyone's gay, all it takes is one cocktail. And if that doesn't work, sprinkle something in their drink. That's what I always do."
This quote reflects the 'wild' side to Miley Cyrus and a statement from her which is much more her own personality. It would fit well into paragraph 1.

5) Miley Cyrus live review – a Duracell bunny of provocative mischief ( by Kitty Empire
  • ''Miley Cyrus, it transpires, is not some post-feminist antichrist sent by an evil music industry cabal to drag young women back to the dark ages. She is merely an obnoxious buffoon in a painful-looking leotard; an extreme pop extrovert with no off switch or edit function – and very funny with it.'' 
This quote is obvious against the way Miley Cyrus portrays herself and could link into paragraph 1.

  • ''You know what hurts your brain? Googling yourself. You know what hurts your brain? Instagram. You know what hurts your brain? Reading comments on Facebook. You know what hurts your brain? Reading US Weekly.''
Although audiences have a negative reputation of Miley Cyrus and feel that 'smoking weed' hurts her brain, she in fact argues that it is audiences themselves hurting her brain due to upsetting comments of her. This could link in to paragraph 1. 

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